Our Inspiration
Nonprofits around the world apply and join us to access more funding.
We help Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet luctus dui egestas venenatis. Nullam euismod neque sem, vitae placerat sem pellentesque id. Quisque sodales tellus tincidunt massa finibus pellentesque. Quisque eu libero pharetra, imperdiet risus et, fringilla magna. Vestibulum vitae mattis ante. Vestibulum sed nunc enim
Nonprofits around the world apply and join us to access more funding.
Nonprofits around the world apply and join us to access more funding.
NGO Scholarship partners with the Kumon Math and Reading Center of INDIANAPOLIS - NORTH KEYSTONE and JagunSegun Foundation.
The Kumon Math Program is a comprehensive curriculum that develops the necessary skills to
help children progress from counting through calculus
The JagunSegun Foundation is an initiative birthed to help the less privileged children, orphans, Helpless and heartbroken children – particularly in Nigeria (School for the Handicapped Children in Ibadan and SOS Children’s Village in Isolo; these are two institutions that are in dire need and have a simple process to get effective help to the helpless children
This initiative is sole funded by personal donations and proceeds from the NGO Shop..
Giving to NGO Scholarship supports the initiatives that transform the lives of students, communities, and the world around us. Many students are facing unforeseen hardships—from food and housing instability to unexpected medical bills, lack of resources. For those who are able to help, please consider giving to support students in urgent need.